python-requests tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [python-requests] keyword
How to convert Curl to Python request?
You can convert Curl commands to Python requests using the ReqBin Online Curl to Python convertor. The Curl to Python Converter uses the Python Requests Library for the generated code. Test your Curl commands online with our online Curl client and then convert Curl syntax to Python code with just one click. Curl Converter automatically generates valid Python code using the Python request library for all provided Curl HTTP headers and Curl data. Enter the Curl command, click Run to execute the command online, and check the results. With our Curl to Python Converter, you can convert almost any Curl command to Python code with just one click. Type your Curl command, and click on Run to generate Python code online.

How do I post JSON using the Python Requests Library?
To post a JSON to the server using Python Requests Library, call the method and pass the target URL as the first parameter and the JSON data with the json= parameter. The json= parameter takes a dictionary and automatically converts it to a JSON string. The Request Library automatically adds the Content-Type: application/json header to your request when using the json= parameter. In this Python Requests POST JSON example, we send a JSON data string to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run the Python POST JSON example online and see the result.

How do I send a POST request using Python Requests Library?
To send a POST request using the Python Requests Library, you should call the method and pass the target URL as the first parameter and the POST data with the data= parameter. You must also specify the data type in the body of the POST message using the Content-Type request header so that the server can correctly receive and process the POST data. If no Content-Type header is passed to the method, the application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be used. In this Python Requests POST example, we make a POST request to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run the Python Requests POST example online and see the result.

How do I set a timeout for Python Requests?
To set a timeout for the Python Requests library, you can pass the "timeout" parameter for GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, and DELETE methods. The "timeout" parameter allows you to select the maximum time (in seconds) for the request to complete. By default, requests do not have a timeout unless you explicitly specify one. Setting a timeout for requests is recommended to avoid waiting for hung requests indefinitely. If you want to wait for the request to complete no matter how long it takes, you can pass "None" for "timeout". In this Python Requests Timeout Example, we pass a timeout for a request to indicate how long to wait for the server response. Click Execute to run Python Requests Timeout Example online and see the result.

How to send HTTP headers using Python Requests Library?
You can pass HTTP headers to Python Requests Library methods using the headers = parameter. Headers are passed as a dictionary of header name: header value pairs. The Requests Library does not change its behavior depending on the passed headers but simply redirects them to the server. Header names must be ANSI strings, and header values can be strings, bytestring, or Unicode. The response.headers object contains the HTTP headers received from the server. In this Python Requests Headers Example, we send custom HTTP headers to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run the Python Requests Headers Example online and see the result.

How do I use Session object in Python Requests?
The Requests Session object allows you to persist specific parameters across requests to the same site. To get the Session object in Python Requests, you need to call the requests.Session() method. The Session object can store such parameters as cookies and HTTP headers. In addition, the Session object allows you to reuse open TCP connections and significantly improve the performance of network requests because you don't have to re-establish a TCP connection each time you send a request. The Session object includes all the methods of the main Requests API. In this Python Requests Session example, we store custom headers and authentication data in a Sessions object. Click Execute to run Python Requests Session Example online and see the result.

How do I get JSON using the Python Requests?
To request JSON data from the server using the Python Requests library, call the request.get() method and pass the target URL as a first parameter. The Python Requests Library has a built-in JSON decoder and automatically converts JSON strings into a Python dictionary. If JSON decoding fails, then response.json() will throw a "requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError" exception; for example, when response code 204 (no content) or JSON contains invalid JSON. In this Python GET JSON example, we send a GET request to the ReqBin echo URL and receive JSON data in the response. The custom 'Accept: application/json' header tells the server that the client expects a JSON. Click Execute to run Python Requests GET JSON Example online and see the result.

How do I use a proxy server with Python Requests?
To use a proxy server with Python requests, you can pass the proxy address to the Requests library method with the "proxies" parameter. The "proxies" parameter accepts a dictionary that can contain proxy servers for the HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols: proxies={"http": http_proxy, "https": https_proxy, "ftp" : ftp_proxy}. You can also specify proxy servers using the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and FTP_PROXY environment variables (uppercase and lowercase names are supported). If both environment variables and the "proxies" parameter are specified, the Requests library will use the "proxies" value. In this Python Requests Proxy example, we are passing an HTTPS proxy to the request.get() method and requesting an "https" URL. Click Execute to run Python Proxy Example online and see the result.

How do I download a file using Python Requests?
To download a file using the Python Request library, you need to make a GET, POST, or PUT request and read the server's response data using response.content, response.json, or response.raw objects, and then save it to disk using the Python file object methods. In this Python Requests Download File Example, we download a file from the ReqBin echo URL and save it to disk in binary format. Click Execute to run Python Download File example online and see the result.

How do I send a GET request using Python Requests Library?
To send an HTTP GET request using the Python Requests library, you must call the requests.get() method and pass the target URL as the first parameter. Additional HTTP headers can be passed to the requests.get() method with the headers= parameter. You cannot send data in the body of an HTTP GET message but still can send some information to the server with the URL parameters. In this Python Requests GET example, we send a GET request to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run the Python Requests GET example online and see the result.

How do I send HTTP request using Python Requests Library?
To send an HTTP request with the Python Requests Library, you need to use the request.get(url, params) or, data, params) methods. You can make HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and HEAD requests with the Python Request Library, submit forms, download files and images, and set rate limits and timeouts. The Requests library methods take the target URL as the first parameter and several additional parameters. For example, you can pass custom HTTP headers with the "headers" parameter, HTTP cookies with the "cookies" parameter, and user authorization data with the "auth" parameter. In this Python HTTP Requests example, we send a GET request to the ReqBin echo URL with a custom HTTP header. Below you can see more examples of HTTP methods with Python Requests. Click Execute to run Python HTTP Requests Example online and see the result.

How do I get the response object in Python Requests?
The Response object is returned as a result of calls to the request.get(),, request.put(), and request.delete() methods of the Requests Library. The Requests Library response object contains all information about the server response, including the status code, version number, headers, and cookies. The Requests Library response object includes the content of the server response, such as an HTML page, an image, or a PDF file. In this Python Requests Library Response example, we send a request to ReqBin URL and display the server response. Click Execute to run Python Requests Library Response Example online and see the result.