python tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [python] keyword
How do I post JSON using the Python Requests Library?
To post a JSON to the server using Python Requests Library, call the method and pass the target URL as the first parameter and the JSON data with the json= parameter. The json= parameter takes a dictionary and automatically converts it to a JSON string. The Request Library automatically adds the Content-Type: application/json header to your request when using the json= parameter. In this Python Requests POST JSON example, we send a JSON data string to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run the Python POST JSON example online and see the result.

How do I send a POST request using Python Requests Library?
To send a POST request using the Python Requests Library, you should call the method and pass the target URL as the first parameter and the POST data with the data= parameter. You must also specify the data type in the body of the POST message using the Content-Type request header so that the server can correctly receive and process the POST data. If no Content-Type header is passed to the method, the application/x-www-form-urlencoded will be used. In this Python Requests POST example, we make a POST request to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run the Python Requests POST example online and see the result.

How do I set a timeout for Python Requests?
To set a timeout for the Python Requests library, you can pass the "timeout" parameter for GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, and DELETE methods. The "timeout" parameter allows you to select the maximum time (in seconds) for the request to complete. By default, requests do not have a timeout unless you explicitly specify one. Setting a timeout for requests is recommended to avoid waiting for hung requests indefinitely. If you want to wait for the request to complete no matter how long it takes, you can pass "None" for "timeout". In this Python Requests Timeout Example, we pass a timeout for a request to indicate how long to wait for the server response. Click Execute to run Python Requests Timeout Example online and see the result.

How to dump Python object to JSON using json.dumps()?
To dump a Python object to JSON string, you can use the json.dumps() method of the built-in json module. The json.dump() paired method (without the "s") converts the Python object to JSON string and writes it to a file. By passing indent and sort_keys parameters to the json.dumps() and json.dump() methods, you can pretty-print the result JSON, otherwise, a compact JSON will be generated. If your Python object contains a non-basic objects, the json.dumps() method will throw an exception. By passing the skipkeys=True, you can tell json.dumps() to ignore such objects instead of throwing an exception. In this Python JSON Dumps example, we are serializing a basic Python object to a JSON string. More advanced Python to JSON examples are listed below. Click Execute to run the Python JSON Dumps example online and see the result.

How to parse a JSON with Python?
To parse a JSON data string to a Python object, use the json.loads() method of the built-in package named json. The json.loads() method parses the provided JSON data string and returns a Python dictionary containing all the data from the JSON. You can get parsed data from this Python dictionary by referring to objects by names or, starting from Python 3.7, by indexes. Nested JSON objects will also be processed and included in the dictionary (see example below). To parse a JSON file, use the json.load() paired method (without the "s"). In this Python Parse JSON example, we convert a JSON data string into a Python object. Click Execute to run the Python Parse JSON example online and see the result.

How to send HTTP headers using Python Requests Library?
You can pass HTTP headers to Python Requests Library methods using the headers = parameter. Headers are passed as a dictionary of header name: header value pairs. The Requests Library does not change its behavior depending on the passed headers but simply redirects them to the server. Header names must be ANSI strings, and header values can be strings, bytestring, or Unicode. The response.headers object contains the HTTP headers received from the server. In this Python Requests Headers Example, we send custom HTTP headers to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run the Python Requests Headers Example online and see the result.

How do I use Session object in Python Requests?
The Requests Session object allows you to persist specific parameters across requests to the same site. To get the Session object in Python Requests, you need to call the requests.Session() method. The Session object can store such parameters as cookies and HTTP headers. In addition, the Session object allows you to reuse open TCP connections and significantly improve the performance of network requests because you don't have to re-establish a TCP connection each time you send a request. The Session object includes all the methods of the main Requests API. In this Python Requests Session example, we store custom headers and authentication data in a Sessions object. Click Execute to run Python Requests Session Example online and see the result.

How do I get JSON using the Python Requests?
To request JSON data from the server using the Python Requests library, call the request.get() method and pass the target URL as a first parameter. The Python Requests Library has a built-in JSON decoder and automatically converts JSON strings into a Python dictionary. If JSON decoding fails, then response.json() will throw a "requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError" exception; for example, when response code 204 (no content) or JSON contains invalid JSON. In this Python GET JSON example, we send a GET request to the ReqBin echo URL and receive JSON data in the response. The custom 'Accept: application/json' header tells the server that the client expects a JSON. Click Execute to run Python Requests GET JSON Example online and see the result.

How do I use a proxy server with Python Requests?
To use a proxy server with Python requests, you can pass the proxy address to the Requests library method with the "proxies" parameter. The "proxies" parameter accepts a dictionary that can contain proxy servers for the HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP protocols: proxies={"http": http_proxy, "https": https_proxy, "ftp" : ftp_proxy}. You can also specify proxy servers using the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and FTP_PROXY environment variables (uppercase and lowercase names are supported). If both environment variables and the "proxies" parameter are specified, the Requests library will use the "proxies" value. In this Python Requests Proxy example, we are passing an HTTPS proxy to the request.get() method and requesting an "https" URL. Click Execute to run Python Proxy Example online and see the result.

How do I download a file using Python Requests?
To download a file using the Python Request library, you need to make a GET, POST, or PUT request and read the server's response data using response.content, response.json, or response.raw objects, and then save it to disk using the Python file object methods. In this Python Requests Download File Example, we download a file from the ReqBin echo URL and save it to disk in binary format. Click Execute to run Python Download File example online and see the result.

How do I send a GET request using Python Requests Library?
To send an HTTP GET request using the Python Requests library, you must call the requests.get() method and pass the target URL as the first parameter. Additional HTTP headers can be passed to the requests.get() method with the headers= parameter. You cannot send data in the body of an HTTP GET message but still can send some information to the server with the URL parameters. In this Python Requests GET example, we send a GET request to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run the Python Requests GET example online and see the result.

How do I send HTTP request using Python Requests Library?
To send an HTTP request with the Python Requests Library, you need to use the request.get(url, params) or, data, params) methods. You can make HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and HEAD requests with the Python Request Library, submit forms, download files and images, and set rate limits and timeouts. The Requests library methods take the target URL as the first parameter and several additional parameters. For example, you can pass custom HTTP headers with the "headers" parameter, HTTP cookies with the "cookies" parameter, and user authorization data with the "auth" parameter. In this Python HTTP Requests example, we send a GET request to the ReqBin echo URL with a custom HTTP header. Below you can see more examples of HTTP methods with Python Requests. Click Execute to run Python HTTP Requests Example online and see the result.

How do I pretty print JSON in Python?
To pretty print a JSON string in Python, you can use the json.dumps(indent) method of the built-in package named json. First, you need to use the json.loads() method to convert the JSON string into a Python object. Then you need to use json.dumps() to convert the Python object back to JSON. The json.dumps() method takes a number of parameters, including the "indent" level for the JSON arrays, which will be used to pretty-print the JSON string. If the json.dumps() indentation parameter is negative 0, or an empty string, then there is no indentation, and only newlines are inserted. By default, the data is printed as a single-line JSON string without indentation. In this Python Pretty Print JSON example, we load a minified JSON string and pretty print it using json.dumps() method. Click Execute to run the Python Pretty Print JSON example online and see result.

How to concatenate strings in Python?
To concatenate two strings in Python, you can use the "+" operator (only works with strings). To concatenate strings and numbers, you can use the operator "%". To concatenate list items into a string, you can use the string.join() method. The string.format() method allows you to concatenate multiple variables into a string and format the result. Since Python 3.6, you can use f-strings to concatenate your strings. F-strings are similar to string.format(), but they are more concise, easier to read, and less error-prone when refactoring your code. In this Python Concatenate Strings example, we are using the "+" operator. The rest of Python's string concatenation methods are listed below, with detailed explanations and examples. Click Execute to run the Python String Concatenation example online and see the result.

How do I get a substring from a string in Python?
To get a substring from a string in Python, you can use the slicing operator string[start:end:step]. The slice operator returns the part of a string between the "start" and "end" indices. The "step" parameter specifies how many characters to advance after extracting the first character from the string. Besides the slice operator, you can get a substring from a string using the Regular Expressions (re). In this Python Substring Example, we use the slicing operator to get a substring from the provided string. Below you can see an example of getting a substring using Regular Expressions. Click Execute to run Python Substring Example online and see the result.

How do I find the index of an element in a Python list?
To find the index of an element in a Python list, you can use the list.index(element, start, end) method. The list.index() method takes an element as an argument and returns the index of the first occurrence of the matching element. If the element is not found, a ValueError exception will be thrown. The optional "start" and "end" arguments restrict the search to a specific subsequence of the list. In Python, list indexes start at 0. You can also check if an element exists in a list using the "in" operator. In this Python List Index example, we get the index of a list item using the list.index() method. Below are more detailed examples of finding the index of an element in a Python list. Click Execute to run the Python List Index Example online and see the result.

How do I compare strings in Python?
The easiest way to compare Python strings is to use the '==' and '!=' boolean operators. You can also compare strings using the 'is' and 'is not' operators, which are primarily used to compare objects in Python. Thus, you can also use the '<' and '>' operators to compare strings. In this Python Compare Strings example, we are comparing strings using the '==' operator. Other string comparison methods are provided below, with detailed examples and explanations. Click Execute to run the Python Compare Strings Example online and see the result.

How to check if a string contains a substring in Python?
To check if a Python string contains the desired substring, you can use the "in" operator or the string.find() method. To get the first index of a substring in a string, you can use the string.index(). To count the number of substrings in a string, you can use the string.count(). Regular expressions provide the most advanced way to find and manipulate strings in Python. In this Python String Contains example, we check if the string contains a substring using the "in" operator. Other methods for finding a substring in a string are listed below with detailed explanations. Click Execute to run the Python String Contains example online and result.

How do I split a string in Python?
There are at least five ways to split a string in Python. The simplest and most commonly used method is a string.split(), which by default splits a Python string into a list of substrings using spaces, tabs, and line breaks. Other popular options for splitting strings are the string.splitlines() and Regular Expressions. In some rare cases, you can split a Python string using the range operator [] to take a subrange of characters from the string. In this Python Split String example, we use the string.split() method to split the string into a list. Other splitting options are presented below, with detailed examples and a description of each. Click Execute to run the Python Split String Example online and see the result.

How do I sort a list in Python?
To sort a list in Python, you can use the list.sort() method of the list. The sort() method modifies the list in place. To get a copy of the sorted list without modifying the original list, you can use the sorted(list) function, which returns a new sorted list. To sort the list in reverse order, you can use the reverse parameter for the list.sort(reverse=True) method. You can also provide a custom function to sort the list with your rules. For example, sort the list by odd and even elements or by the internal properties of an object in the list. In this Python Sorting a List example, we use the default list.sort() method. You can find more advanced sorting examples below in this article. Click Execute to run the Python Sort a List example online and see the result.

How do I convert an object to JSON in Python?
To convert a Python object to a JSON string, you can use the json.dumps() method of the built-in json module. The json.dumps() method converts Python objects such as dictionaries, lists, tuples, and strings to their equivalent JSON objects. IIf your Python object contains objects of a non-base type, the json.dumps() method will throw an exception. To avoid the exception, you can pass the skipkeys=True parameter to json.dumps(). This will tell Python to ignore these objects when converting to JSON. If you pass the "indent" parameter to the json.dumps() method, you can print the JSON result nicely; otherwise, compact JSON will be generated. In this Python Convert Object to JSON example, we serialize a basic Python object into a JSON string. Click Execute to run the Python Object to JSON example online and see the result.

What is the difference between json.dump() vs json.dumps() in Python?
The json.dump() method converts a Python object into a JSON and writes it to a file, while the json.dumps() method encodes a Python object into JSON and returns a string. By default, json.dump() and json.dumps() generate minified versions of JSON to reduce the size of the file on disk and the size of data transmitted over the network. To get pretty (human-readable) JSON, you can pass the indent and sort_keys parameters to the json.dumps() and json.dump() methods. In this json.dumps() example, we are converting a Python object to JSON and pretty-print it. Click "Run" to run the Python json.dumps() example online and see the output.

How do I reverse a string in Python?
The easiest and fastest way to reverse a string in Python is to use the slice operator [start:stop:step]. When you pass a step of -1 and omit the start and end values, the slice operator reverses the string. A more verbose, but readable (and slower) version of the string reversal method is a combination of the reversed() and string.join() methods. However, these methods do not work for strings containing special Unicode characters. To reverse such a Unicode string, you must use external libraries (see an example below). In this Python Reverse String example, we are reversing the string using the slice operator. Below, you can see more Python string reversal methods examples with detailed descriptions. Click Execute to run the Python Reverse String Example online and see the result.

How to format string with f-string in Python?
Starting in Python 3.6, PEP 498 introduced a new string formatting mechanism - Literal String Interpolation (known as f-string). The main idea behind f-strings is to provide a concise and convenient way to embed Python expressions in string literals for formatting. To create an f-string, add the letter "f" or "F" before the opening quotes of your string. To print the variable value in the formatted string, you must specify the variable name inside a curly brace "{}". At runtime, all variable names will be replaced by their values. In this Python F-String example, we are formatting a string using several variables. Click Execute to run Python F-String Example online and see the result.

How do I get the length of a list in Python?
To get the length of a list in Python, you can use the len(list) function. The len() function works similarly with other data structures, including tuples, sets, and dictionaries. The list's size is not fixed; the user can add or remove data to the list during execution time. The len() method always returns the actual size of the list. It does not calculate the size of the list every time it is used; instead, it uses a pre-computed and cached value for the list's size, which makes the len() method very fast. Click Execute to run the Python List Length Example online and see the result.

How do I get the response object in Python Requests?
The Response object is returned as a result of calls to the request.get(),, request.put(), and request.delete() methods of the Requests Library. The Requests Library response object contains all information about the server response, including the status code, version number, headers, and cookies. The Requests Library response object includes the content of the server response, such as an HTML page, an image, or a PDF file. In this Python Requests Library Response example, we send a request to ReqBin URL and display the server response. Click Execute to run Python Requests Library Response Example online and see the result.

How do I remove an element from a list in Python?
To remove an element from the list in Python, you can use the list.remove() or list.pop() methods, or the list.clear() method to remove all elements from the list. The list.remove() method removes the matching element passed as an argument. The list.pop(index) method removes the element at the given index from the list and returns the removed element. The list.pop() method removes the last element if no index is passed. You can also delete items using the "del" operator, specifying a position or range using an index or slice. In this Python List Remove example, we remove the specified list item using the list.remove() method. Click Execute to run the Python List Remove Example online and see the result.

How do I convert a list to a string in Python?
To convert a list to a string in Python, you can use the string.join() method, which takes a list (or iterable) as an argument and returns a new string. The list must contain only strings; otherwise, string.join() will throw a TypeError exception. If you don't have a homogeneous list (a list containing elements of the same type), you can use the Python map() method to make a list homogeneous and then use the string.join() method to convert it to a string. The map(str, my_list) method iterates over all list elements and converts them to a string. You can also convert a list to a string by manually looping through the list and converting the elements of the list to a string. In this Python List to String example, we use the string.join() method which concatenates the list elements into a string and returns it as output. Below you can see more examples of converting Python lists to strings with a detailed description of each method. Click Execute to run the Python List to String Conversion Example online and see the result.

How do I replace a string in Python?
To replace a string with a substring in Python, you can use the built-in string.replace(old, new [, count])) method. This method returns a copy of the string in which the old substring has been replaced by the new substring and does not change the original (strings in Python are immutable). If the substring is not found, a copy of the original string is returned. Optionally, you can limit the number of replacements by specifying the "count" argument. In this case, only the first "count" occurrences will be replaced. If the "count" argument is not specified, then all occurrences of the substring will be replaced. In this Python String Replace Example, we use the string.replace() method to change all occurrences of a substring in the string. Click Execute to run the Python String Replace Example online and see the result

How do I append items to a Python list?
In Python, you can append an element to a list using the list.append() or insert an element into a list using the list. insert() or list.extend() methods. The list.append() method appends an element to the end of the list. The list.insert() method inserts an element at the specified index (position). Indexing starts from zero, and a negative index of -1 means that the element will be added to the index starting from the end of the list. If you want to concatenate multiple lists, use the "+" operator. You can add elements of different types to the list (numbers, strings, etc.). In this Python List Append Example, we use the list.append() method to add an item to the end of the list. Additional examples of adding items to the list are provided below with detailed descriptions. Click Execute to run the Python List Append Example online and see the result.

How do I calculate the sum of the elements of a Python list?
To calculate the sum of the elements of a Python list, you can use the built-in sum(iterable, start) method. The sum() method takes an iteration as its first argument and an optional starting number as the second argument sums the items, and returns the result. The optional "start" argument adds the specified value to the result (defaults to 0). If the elements are not numbers, a TypeError exception will be thrown. In this Python Sum of List example, we calculate the sum of the list elements using the sum() method and add an initial value to the result, passing it as the second argument. Click Execute to run Python Calculate List Sum Example online and see the result.

What is a Python Counter?
Python Counter is a container that contains a counter for each of the items present in the container. Containers are objects that contain other objects and provide a way to iterate over them. Examples of built-in containers are Tuple, List, and Dictionary. The rest are included in the Collections module. The Collections module in Python3 provides the user with specialized container data types, providing an alternative to general-purpose Python built-in programs such as dictionaries, lists, and tuples. The counter is a dict subclass that is used to count hashable objects. It counts the number of occurrences of any value in the container. Click Execute to run the Python Counter Example online and result.

How to use deque in Python?
The Python Deque module (known as a double-ended queue) is part of the built-in library known as collections. Deque contains methods for adding and removing items from either end of the queue and can create a queue from any iterable. Queues are similar to lists, except you can add and remove items either at the beginning (left) or the end (right). Deque is preferred over the list when you need faster add, get, and delete operations at both ends of the container. The deque module provides O(1) time complexity for add and get operations compared to a list, which provides O(n) time complexity. In this Python Deque Example, we use the deque.append() method to add an item to the end of the deque. Click Execute to run the Python Deque Example online and see the result.

How to reverse a list in Python?
To reverse a list in Python, you can use the built-in methods list.reverse() and list.reversed(). The list.reverse() method reverses the elements of the original list (in-place) rather than creating a new one. The list.reversed() method returns a reverse iterator of the specified sequence without changing the original list. If you only want to iterate over the list elements in reverse order, it is preferable to use the list.reversed() function, as it is faster than rearranging the elements in place. You can also use slicing to flip and create a new list without changing the original. In this Python example, we use the list.reverse() method to iterate over the list elements in reverse order. Click Execute to run Python Reverse List Example online and see the result.

How do I find the length of a string in Python?
To find the length of a string in Python, you can use the built-in len() method. The len() method returns the length of the passed object (String, List, Tuple, Dictionary, etc.). The len() method uses the stored value of the length of the string and does not calculate it every time, so it is very fast. In this Python String Length example, we calculate the length of the provided string using the len() method. Click Execute to run the Python String Length example online and see the result.

How to use the yield keyword in Python?
The yield is a Python keyword that returns a value from a function while the function retains its local variables between calls. When called again, such a function is executed from the point in the code where it was interrupted by the yield statement. Yield in Python is similar to the "return" statement used to return values ​​or objects from function. However, there is a slight difference. Any function that contains the yield keyword is called a generator. The yield keyword converts the expression provided with it into a generator object and returns it to its caller. Therefore, if you want to get the values ​​stored inside the generator object, you need to iterate over it. The yield keyword in Python is less well known but holds promise. Click Execute to run Python Yield Example online and see the result.

How do I check if a file exists in Python?
You can check if a file exists in Python using the path.exists() method, which is included in the built-in OS module. There are two methods in the OS module that are used to check for the existence of a file: the path.isfile() and path.exists() methods. The path.isfile() method takes a file path as an argument and a boolean value on whether the file exists. The path.exists() method checks if the specified path exists. Like the path.isfile() methods, it takes a path as an argument and returns a boolean value. You can also check if the specified path is a directory using the path.isdir() method. The path.isdir() method takes a path as an argument and returns a boolean value (True/False) depending on whether the path points to a directory or not. In this Python Check if File Exists example, we use the path.exists() method to check if the required files exist in the specified directory. Click Execute to run Python Check if File Exists Example online and see the result.

How to create a tuple in Python?
To create a tuple in Python, you can place the values in parentheses separated by commas. A single-element tuple must include a comma after the value; otherwise, Python will create an object of the same type as the value, not a tuple. A tuple can contain any number of elements of different types. Tuples in Python are an ordered and immutable data type; they cannot be changed once created. In this Python Tuple example, we create a tuple with multiple elements. Click Execute to run the Python Tuple example online and see the result.

How do I convert bytes to string in Python?
In Python, a byte string is a sequence of bytes. To declare a byte string, you need to start it with the character "b". To convert the bytes string to a Python string, you can use the decode() method of the built-in codecs module. The Python decode() string method decodes a string using the codec registered for encoding. The decode() method returns a string decoded from the given bytes. In this Convert Bytes to Python String example, we use the decode() method to convert bytes to a string. Below are more ways to convert bytes in Python strings with detailed descriptions. Click Execute to run Python Convert Bytes to String Example online and see the result.

How to Parse XML in Python?
To parse an XML document with Python, you can use the built-in xml.etree.ElementTree module, which provides a lightweight and efficient API for parsing XML data strings. The ElementTree.fromstring() method parses the provided XML document and returns an ElementTree object representing the root element of the XML structure. With this object, you can access tags, attributes, and text elements of the XML. In this Python XML parsing example, we process the XML document using the xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring() method. You can find more examples of parsing XML in Python below. Click Execute to run the Python Parse XML example online and see the result.

How to lowercase a string in Python?
To convert a string to lowercase in Python, you can use one of the built-in string.lower() or string.casefold() methods. The string.lower() method will convert all uppercase characters and return a copy of the provided string with all characters converted to lowercase. The string.lower() method will return the original string if there are no uppercase characters. The string.casefold() method also converts the string to lowercase but compared to the string.lower() method, the string.casefold() method is more aggressive. This means that the string.casefold() method will convert more characters to lowercase the string.lower(). You can also manually convert a string to lowercase using the "for loop". In this Python Lowercase String example, we use the string.lower() method. Below are more examples of converting a string to lower case with detailed descriptions. Click Execute to run Python Lowercase String Example online and see the result.

How do I use Boolean operators in Python?
The Python Boolean data type of is one of the built-in data types that takes two values: True or False. Unlike most other programming languages, in Python, boolean values are capitalized (for example, "True"). If the value is written in lower case, e.g., "true", the interpreter will throw an error: NameError: name 'true' is not defined. A boolean value is returned by comparison operations, logical operations, and their combinations. You can use Python's bool() function to evaluate any value and check if it is True or False. Boolean expressions are essentially conditional statements that may or may not be True. Click Execute to run Python Boolean Example online and see the result.

How do I add multiline comments in Python?
Python does not have a built-in mechanism for multi-line comments. To comment out multiple lines in Python, you can comment out each line in a block by adding the "#" in front of each line. Many Python IDEs have shortcuts for such operations. A popular workaround for creating multi-line comments in Python is to use docstrings. If you use the docstring to comment multiple lines of code in Python, that block of code will be ignored and only lines outside the docstring will be executed. But this option is not recommended for frequent use because, unlike single-line comments, where the interpreter ignores the comment line, the docstrings are not deleted and take up system resources. Click Execute to run Python Multiline Comment Example online and see the result.

How to read XML in Python?
Reading XML in Python involves parsing and extracting the desired information from the XML data. Python provides several libraries to work with XML data strings, including the built-in xml.etree.ElementTree, xml.dom.minidom, and third-party libraries like xmltodict and lxml. In this Python Read XML example, we are reading and parsing XML string using xml.etree.ElementTree library. You can find more examples of reading XML in Python below. Click Execute to run the Python Read XML Example online and see the result.