Java code for Curl DELETE Request Example
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What is Curl?
Curl is a command-line utility that allows users to make requests from clients to servers. Curl supports over 25+ protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and SFTP. Curl has built-in support for SSL, certificate validation, HTTP Cookies support, and user authentication. Curl is available for Linux, Windows, and Mac, making it the perfect choice for developers on all platforms.
The DELETE method is one of the nine standard Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) request methods to delete a resource from the server. The DELETE request method asks the server to delete the resource specified in the Request-URI. The DELETE method is idempotent. Sending the same HTTP DELETE request multiple times will produce the same result on the server. The DELETE method, like the GET method, can not have a request body. Unlike GET and HEAD requests, DELETE requests can change the state of the server.
Curl DELETE Request Syntax
To send an HTTP DELETE request using Curl use the following syntax:
- The -X flag specifies the HTTP request method to be used when communicating with the server. Curl uses the GET method by default if no other HTTP method is selected and no data is passed to Curl.
Curl DELETE Request Example
An example of sending an HTTP DELETE request to a ReqBin echo URL using Curl:
In this Curl DELETE request example, we also pass the "Accept: application/json" header to the server using the -H command-line option to tell the server that the Curl client is expecting a JSON from the server.