sort-array tagged requests and articles

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How do I sort an array in PHP?
To sort the elements of a PHP array, you can use one of the following PHP functions: sort(), rsort(), asort(), ksort(), arsort(), krsort(). Arrays can be sorted alphabetically or numerically, in ascending or descending order. When sorting an associative array in PHP, array keys retain their correlation with the associated values. The sort() function sorts an array in ascending order, while rsort() sorts it in descending order. The asort() function sorts an associative array in ascending order, and the arsort() sorts in descending order. The ksort() function sorts associative arrays in ascending order by keys, and the krsort() sorts in descending order. In this PHP Sort Array example, we use the sort() function to sort the elements of an array in numerical order. Below you can see more examples of sorting PHP array elements with a detailed description of each method. Click Execute to run the PHP Sort Array Example online and see the result.