python-string tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [python-string] keyword
How to concatenate strings in Python?
To concatenate two strings in Python, you can use the "+" operator (only works with strings). To concatenate strings and numbers, you can use the operator "%". To concatenate list items into a string, you can use the string.join() method. The string.format() method allows you to concatenate multiple variables into a string and format the result. Since Python 3.6, you can use f-strings to concatenate your strings. F-strings are similar to string.format(), but they are more concise, easier to read, and less error-prone when refactoring your code. In this Python Concatenate Strings example, we are using the "+" operator. The rest of Python's string concatenation methods are listed below, with detailed explanations and examples. Click Execute to run the Python String Concatenation example online and see the result.

How do I compare strings in Python?
The easiest way to compare Python strings is to use the '==' and '!=' boolean operators. You can also compare strings using the 'is' and 'is not' operators, which are primarily used to compare objects in Python. Thus, you can also use the '<' and '>' operators to compare strings. In this Python Compare Strings example, we are comparing strings using the '==' operator. Other string comparison methods are provided below, with detailed examples and explanations. Click Execute to run the Python Compare Strings Example online and see the result.

How to check if a string contains a substring in Python?
To check if a Python string contains the desired substring, you can use the "in" operator or the string.find() method. To get the first index of a substring in a string, you can use the string.index(). To count the number of substrings in a string, you can use the string.count(). Regular expressions provide the most advanced way to find and manipulate strings in Python. In this Python String Contains example, we check if the string contains a substring using the "in" operator. Other methods for finding a substring in a string are listed below with detailed explanations. Click Execute to run the Python String Contains example online and result.

How do I split a string in Python?
There are at least five ways to split a string in Python. The simplest and most commonly used method is a string.split(), which by default splits a Python string into a list of substrings using spaces, tabs, and line breaks. Other popular options for splitting strings are the string.splitlines() and Regular Expressions. In some rare cases, you can split a Python string using the range operator [] to take a subrange of characters from the string. In this Python Split String example, we use the string.split() method to split the string into a list. Other splitting options are presented below, with detailed examples and a description of each. Click Execute to run the Python Split String Example online and see the result.

What is the difference between json.dump() vs json.dumps() in Python?
The json.dump() method converts a Python object into a JSON and writes it to a file, while the json.dumps() method encodes a Python object into JSON and returns a string. By default, json.dump() and json.dumps() generate minified versions of JSON to reduce the size of the file on disk and the size of data transmitted over the network. To get pretty (human-readable) JSON, you can pass the indent and sort_keys parameters to the json.dumps() and json.dump() methods. In this json.dumps() example, we are converting a Python object to JSON and pretty-print it. Click "Run" to run the Python json.dumps() example online and see the output.

How do I reverse a string in Python?
The easiest and fastest way to reverse a string in Python is to use the slice operator [start:stop:step]. When you pass a step of -1 and omit the start and end values, the slice operator reverses the string. A more verbose, but readable (and slower) version of the string reversal method is a combination of the reversed() and string.join() methods. However, these methods do not work for strings containing special Unicode characters. To reverse such a Unicode string, you must use external libraries (see an example below). In this Python Reverse String example, we are reversing the string using the slice operator. Below, you can see more Python string reversal methods examples with detailed descriptions. Click Execute to run the Python Reverse String Example online and see the result.

How to format string with f-string in Python?
Starting in Python 3.6, PEP 498 introduced a new string formatting mechanism - Literal String Interpolation (known as f-string). The main idea behind f-strings is to provide a concise and convenient way to embed Python expressions in string literals for formatting. To create an f-string, add the letter "f" or "F" before the opening quotes of your string. To print the variable value in the formatted string, you must specify the variable name inside a curly brace "{}". At runtime, all variable names will be replaced by their values. In this Python F-String example, we are formatting a string using several variables. Click Execute to run Python F-String Example online and see the result.

How do I convert a list to a string in Python?
To convert a list to a string in Python, you can use the string.join() method, which takes a list (or iterable) as an argument and returns a new string. The list must contain only strings; otherwise, string.join() will throw a TypeError exception. If you don't have a homogeneous list (a list containing elements of the same type), you can use the Python map() method to make a list homogeneous and then use the string.join() method to convert it to a string. The map(str, my_list) method iterates over all list elements and converts them to a string. You can also convert a list to a string by manually looping through the list and converting the elements of the list to a string. In this Python List to String example, we use the string.join() method which concatenates the list elements into a string and returns it as output. Below you can see more examples of converting Python lists to strings with a detailed description of each method. Click Execute to run the Python List to String Conversion Example online and see the result.

How do I replace a string in Python?
To replace a string with a substring in Python, you can use the built-in string.replace(old, new [, count])) method. This method returns a copy of the string in which the old substring has been replaced by the new substring and does not change the original (strings in Python are immutable). If the substring is not found, a copy of the original string is returned. Optionally, you can limit the number of replacements by specifying the "count" argument. In this case, only the first "count" occurrences will be replaced. If the "count" argument is not specified, then all occurrences of the substring will be replaced. In this Python String Replace Example, we use the string.replace() method to change all occurrences of a substring in the string. Click Execute to run the Python String Replace Example online and see the result

How do I find the length of a string in Python?
To find the length of a string in Python, you can use the built-in len() method. The len() method returns the length of the passed object (String, List, Tuple, Dictionary, etc.). The len() method uses the stored value of the length of the string and does not calculate it every time, so it is very fast. In this Python String Length example, we calculate the length of the provided string using the len() method. Click Execute to run the Python String Length example online and see the result.

How to lowercase a string in Python?
To convert a string to lowercase in Python, you can use one of the built-in string.lower() or string.casefold() methods. The string.lower() method will convert all uppercase characters and return a copy of the provided string with all characters converted to lowercase. The string.lower() method will return the original string if there are no uppercase characters. The string.casefold() method also converts the string to lowercase but compared to the string.lower() method, the string.casefold() method is more aggressive. This means that the string.casefold() method will convert more characters to lowercase the string.lower(). You can also manually convert a string to lowercase using the "for loop". In this Python Lowercase String example, we use the string.lower() method. Below are more examples of converting a string to lower case with detailed descriptions. Click Execute to run Python Lowercase String Example online and see the result.