python-reverse tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [python-reverse] keyword
How do I reverse a string in Python?
The easiest and fastest way to reverse a string in Python is to use the slice operator [start:stop:step]. When you pass a step of -1 and omit the start and end values, the slice operator reverses the string. A more verbose, but readable (and slower) version of the string reversal method is a combination of the reversed() and string.join() methods. However, these methods do not work for strings containing special Unicode characters. To reverse such a Unicode string, you must use external libraries (see an example below). In this Python Reverse String example, we are reversing the string using the slice operator. Below, you can see more Python string reversal methods examples with detailed descriptions. Click Execute to run the Python Reverse String Example online and see the result.

How to reverse a list in Python?
To reverse a list in Python, you can use the built-in methods list.reverse() and list.reversed(). The list.reverse() method reverses the elements of the original list (in-place) rather than creating a new one. The list.reversed() method returns a reverse iterator of the specified sequence without changing the original list. If you only want to iterate over the list elements in reverse order, it is preferable to use the list.reversed() function, as it is faster than rearranging the elements in place. You can also use slicing to flip and create a new list without changing the original. In this Python example, we use the list.reverse() method to iterate over the list elements in reverse order. Click Execute to run Python Reverse List Example online and see the result.