python-object tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [python-object] keyword
How do I convert an object to JSON in Python?
To convert a Python object to a JSON string, you can use the json.dumps() method of the built-in json module. The json.dumps() method converts Python objects such as dictionaries, lists, tuples, and strings to their equivalent JSON objects. IIf your Python object contains objects of a non-base type, the json.dumps() method will throw an exception. To avoid the exception, you can pass the skipkeys=True parameter to json.dumps(). This will tell Python to ignore these objects when converting to JSON. If you pass the "indent" parameter to the json.dumps() method, you can print the JSON result nicely; otherwise, compact JSON will be generated. In this Python Convert Object to JSON example, we serialize a basic Python object into a JSON string. Click Execute to run the Python Object to JSON example online and see the result.