python-json tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [python-json] keyword
How do I post JSON using the Python Requests Library?
To post a JSON to the server using Python Requests Library, call the method and pass the target URL as the first parameter and the JSON data with the json= parameter. The json= parameter takes a dictionary and automatically converts it to a JSON string. The Request Library automatically adds the Content-Type: application/json header to your request when using the json= parameter. In this Python Requests POST JSON example, we send a JSON data string to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run the Python POST JSON example online and see the result.

How to dump Python object to JSON using json.dumps()?
To dump a Python object to JSON string, you can use the json.dumps() method of the built-in json module. The json.dump() paired method (without the "s") converts the Python object to JSON string and writes it to a file. By passing indent and sort_keys parameters to the json.dumps() and json.dump() methods, you can pretty-print the result JSON, otherwise, a compact JSON will be generated. If your Python object contains a non-basic objects, the json.dumps() method will throw an exception. By passing the skipkeys=True, you can tell json.dumps() to ignore such objects instead of throwing an exception. In this Python JSON Dumps example, we are serializing a basic Python object to a JSON string. More advanced Python to JSON examples are listed below. Click Execute to run the Python JSON Dumps example online and see the result.

How to parse a JSON with Python?
To parse a JSON data string to a Python object, use the json.loads() method of the built-in package named json. The json.loads() method parses the provided JSON data string and returns a Python dictionary containing all the data from the JSON. You can get parsed data from this Python dictionary by referring to objects by names or, starting from Python 3.7, by indexes. Nested JSON objects will also be processed and included in the dictionary (see example below). To parse a JSON file, use the json.load() paired method (without the "s"). In this Python Parse JSON example, we convert a JSON data string into a Python object. Click Execute to run the Python Parse JSON example online and see the result.

How do I get JSON using the Python Requests?
To request JSON data from the server using the Python Requests library, call the request.get() method and pass the target URL as a first parameter. The Python Requests Library has a built-in JSON decoder and automatically converts JSON strings into a Python dictionary. If JSON decoding fails, then response.json() will throw a "requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError" exception; for example, when response code 204 (no content) or JSON contains invalid JSON. In this Python GET JSON example, we send a GET request to the ReqBin echo URL and receive JSON data in the response. The custom 'Accept: application/json' header tells the server that the client expects a JSON. Click Execute to run Python Requests GET JSON Example online and see the result.

How do I pretty print JSON in Python?
To pretty print a JSON string in Python, you can use the json.dumps(indent) method of the built-in package named json. First, you need to use the json.loads() method to convert the JSON string into a Python object. Then you need to use json.dumps() to convert the Python object back to JSON. The json.dumps() method takes a number of parameters, including the "indent" level for the JSON arrays, which will be used to pretty-print the JSON string. If the json.dumps() indentation parameter is negative 0, or an empty string, then there is no indentation, and only newlines are inserted. By default, the data is printed as a single-line JSON string without indentation. In this Python Pretty Print JSON example, we load a minified JSON string and pretty print it using json.dumps() method. Click Execute to run the Python Pretty Print JSON example online and see result.

How do I convert an object to JSON in Python?
To convert a Python object to a JSON string, you can use the json.dumps() method of the built-in json module. The json.dumps() method converts Python objects such as dictionaries, lists, tuples, and strings to their equivalent JSON objects. IIf your Python object contains objects of a non-base type, the json.dumps() method will throw an exception. To avoid the exception, you can pass the skipkeys=True parameter to json.dumps(). This will tell Python to ignore these objects when converting to JSON. If you pass the "indent" parameter to the json.dumps() method, you can print the JSON result nicely; otherwise, compact JSON will be generated. In this Python Convert Object to JSON example, we serialize a basic Python object into a JSON string. Click Execute to run the Python Object to JSON example online and see the result.

What is the difference between json.dump() vs json.dumps() in Python?
The json.dump() method converts a Python object into a JSON and writes it to a file, while the json.dumps() method encodes a Python object into JSON and returns a string. By default, json.dump() and json.dumps() generate minified versions of JSON to reduce the size of the file on disk and the size of data transmitted over the network. To get pretty (human-readable) JSON, you can pass the indent and sort_keys parameters to the json.dumps() and json.dump() methods. In this json.dumps() example, we are converting a Python object to JSON and pretty-print it. Click "Run" to run the Python json.dumps() example online and see the output.