python-file tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [python-file] keyword
How do I check if a file exists in Python?
You can check if a file exists in Python using the path.exists() method, which is included in the built-in OS module. There are two methods in the OS module that are used to check for the existence of a file: the path.isfile() and path.exists() methods. The path.isfile() method takes a file path as an argument and a boolean value on whether the file exists. The path.exists() method checks if the specified path exists. Like the path.isfile() methods, it takes a path as an argument and returns a boolean value. You can also check if the specified path is a directory using the path.isdir() method. The path.isdir() method takes a path as an argument and returns a boolean value (True/False) depending on whether the path points to a directory or not. In this Python Check if File Exists example, we use the path.exists() method to check if the required files exist in the specified directory. Click Execute to run Python Check if File Exists Example online and see the result.