python-deque tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [python-deque] keyword
How to use deque in Python?
The Python Deque module (known as a double-ended queue) is part of the built-in library known as collections. Deque contains methods for adding and removing items from either end of the queue and can create a queue from any iterable. Queues are similar to lists, except you can add and remove items either at the beginning (left) or the end (right). Deque is preferred over the list when you need faster add, get, and delete operations at both ends of the container. The deque module provides O(1) time complexity for add and get operations compared to a list, which provides O(n) time complexity. In this Python Deque Example, we use the deque.append() method to add an item to the end of the deque. Click Execute to run the Python Deque Example online and see the result.