php-post tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [php-post] keyword
How do I send a POST request using PHP?
There are two ways to send POST requests from PHP: the built-in PHP Curl library and a non-CURL method using PHP's native streaming features. The PHP Curl library gives you full control over sending the request but requires additional initialization steps, while the CURL-less method is easier to use but has limited capabilities. In this PHP POST request example, we are sending a POST request using the PHP Curl library. The CURL-less method is provided with detailed explanations at the end of the article. Click Execute to run the PHP POST Request Example online and see the result.

How to post form data in PHP?
To post form data in PHP, you can use the built-in PHP Curl library. You need to initialize the PHP Curl library first by calling the curl_init() function. You can pass the target URL during initialization or set it later by calling the curl_setopt() function with the "CURLOPT_URL" parameter. To pass additional HTTP headers to a PHP POST HTML form request, you can call curl_setopt() with the "CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER" parameter. In this PHP Form POST example, we are sending HTML form data to the ReqBin echo URL and specifying the data type in the POST message with the "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" request HTTP header. Click Execute to run the PHP Post Form Example online and see the result.