json-dumps tagged requests and articles

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How to dump Python object to JSON using json.dumps()?
To dump a Python object to JSON string, you can use the json.dumps() method of the built-in json module. The json.dump() paired method (without the "s") converts the Python object to JSON string and writes it to a file. By passing indent and sort_keys parameters to the json.dumps() and json.dump() methods, you can pretty-print the result JSON, otherwise, a compact JSON will be generated. If your Python object contains a non-basic objects, the json.dumps() method will throw an exception. By passing the skipkeys=True, you can tell json.dumps() to ignore such objects instead of throwing an exception. In this Python JSON Dumps example, we are serializing a basic Python object to a JSON string. More advanced Python to JSON examples are listed below. Click Execute to run the Python JSON Dumps example online and see the result.