javascript-xmlhttprequest tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [javascript-xmlhttprequest] keyword
How to make requests using XMLHttpRequest in JavaScript?
To make a request using a JavaScript XMLHttpRequest object, you must first create an XMLHttpRequest object and then open the target URL by calling the method. POST data can be sent to the server by passing it to the xhr.send() method. Custom HTTP headers can be added to the request using the xhr.setRequestHeader(). The xhr.onload event will be fired after the XMLHttpRequest object has completed the asynchronous request. An xhr.status value of 200x indicates that the request was successful, 300x indicates a redirect, and 400x and 500x indicate an error. In this JavaScript XMLHttpRequest Request example, we make a request to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Execute to run JavaScript XMLHttpRequest example online and see the result.