javascript-reverse-string tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [javascript-reverse-string] keyword
How do I reverse a string in JavaScript?
JavaScript does not have a built-in method for reversing a string. To reverse a string in JavaScript, you can use a combination of three built-in methods: split(), reverse(), and join(). The first method splits a string into an array of characters and returns a new array. The second method reverses the order of elements in an array (the first element becomes last, and the element becomes first). The third method is used to concatenate all elements of an array into a new string. Another way to reverse a string in JavaScript is to use a combination of the substr() and charAt() methods. The first method returns a substring of the string, and the second method returns the specified character of the string. You can also reverse a string with a for loop, using a decrement (or increment) loop to loop through per character of the string and create a new reversed string. In this JavaScript Reverse String example, we reverse a string using the split(), reverse(), and join() methods. Click "Run" to run the JavaScript string reversal example online and see the result.