https tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [https] keyword
How to ignore invalid and self-signed SSL certificate errors in Curl?
To ignore invalid and self-signed certificate checks on Curl, use the -k or --insecure command-line option. This option allows Curl to perform "insecure" SSL connections and skip SSL certificate checks while you still have SSL-encrypted communications. If you make an HTTPS request to a resource with an invalid or expired SSL certificate without the -k or --insecure option, you will receive a curl: (60) SSL certificate: invalid certificate chain: error message. Click Run to execute the Curl Ignore Certificate request online and see the result.

How do I make HTTPS requests with Curl?
To send an HTTPS request using Curl, pass the destination endpoint that supports SSL connections on the Curl command line. Curl will automatically establish an SSL connection with the server. When Curl sends a request to an HTTPS URL, it checks the SSL certificate against the certificate store of the local CA. Curl returns the error message Certificate Verify Failed for expired and self-signed certificates. You can bypass certificate checking by passing -k or --insecure to Curl. Click Run to execute the Curl HTTPS request online and see the results.