curl-syntax tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [curl-syntax] keyword
The most popular Curl examples
This article provides 12 practical examples of using the Curl command-line tool, with a brief description of each Curl example. Curl examples include sending a JSON file to a server, submitting a web form, user authentication, proxy support, saving the server response to disk, and more. Most of the examples given can be done right in the browser using the ReqBin Online Curl Client.

How to use Curl?
Curl is one of the best tools for debugging network requests and testing APIs without user interaction. Curl can be used as a standalone console application or compiled into other programs as a dynamic library (libcurl). Curl has built-in support for SSL, user authentication, certificate validation, and HTTP cookies. You can use Curl to download or upload files, submit web forms, send requests to API endpoints, and simulate user actions without using a web browser.