no-cache tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [no-cache] keyword
How do I disable Caching with HTTP Headers?
To prevent caching, the client must send the correct minimum set of three HTTP headers that work on all servers and proxies (Cache-Control, Pragma, and Expires). The Cache-Control header conforms to the HTTP 1.1 specification for clients and proxies. The Pragma header conforms to the HTTP 1.0 specification for legacy clients. The Expires header conforms to the HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 specifications for clients and proxies. In this HTTP Headers to Prevent Caching example, we send a request to a ReqBin echo URL. Click Send to execute the HTTP Headers to Prevent Caching example online and see the results.

How to send No-Cache request with Curl?
Curl does not cache any requests on the client side; therefore, any caching when using Curl occurs on the server side. To bypass the server-side cache, you can use the Cache-Control HTTP header to control the caching behavior. The HTTP Cache-Control header is only available in HTTP 1.1, and for backward compatibility with systems that are still using HTTP 1.0, you can use the 'Pragma: no-cache' header. Click Run to execute the Curl No Cache Example online and see the result.