json-data tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [json-data] keyword
How do I send JSON Payload to the server?
To send the JSON payload to the server{{ using LANG}}, you need to enclose the JSON data in the HTTP request body and indicate the data type of the request body with the "Content-Type: application/json" request header. If the client expects a response from the server in JSON format, it also needs to send the "Accept: application/json" header to the server. In this {{LANG}} JSON Payload Example, we send JSON to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Send to execute the {{LANG}} JSON Payload request online and see the results.

JSON Data Example
JSON is a widely used lightweight format for storing and transmitting data. JSON is often used to transfer data over the Internet between web and mobile apps and a server. JSON is smaller and more convenient than XML.