http-request tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [http-request] keyword
POST Requests Online
Post requests to the server and check server responses. Fully Online; no desktop app needed. Test Server endpoints by sending HTTP POST, GET, PUT, and HEAD requests directly from your browser. Create PHP, Python, Java, Curl, and JavaScript code snippets from your requests with one click. Share your HTTP requests online, showcase your work, or discuss with colleagues and friends.

What is the HTTP PUT request method and how to use it?
The HTTP PUT method is used to update or replace an existing resource on the server, while the POST method is used to add a resource on the server. When you make an HTTP PUT request, and the Request-URI points to an existing resource, the server MUST completely replace that resource with the data enclosed in the body of the {{LANG}} PUT request. If the Request-URI does not point to an existing resource, the origin server MAY add a new resource with that URI. To partially replace an existing resource, use the HTTP PATCH request method. In this {{LANG}} HTTP PUT Request Example, we send an HTTP PUT request to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Send to make the PUT request online and see the result.

What is an HTTP Request and Response?
In client-server communication, clients send HTTP requests to the server and get HTTP responses. With HTTP GET requests, a client may request resources from a server. When sending an HTTP request, the client can provide additional information to the server, such as cookies or authorization data. Submitting data from web forms or uploading images to the server is done using HTTP POST requests. The servers send the requested resources to the client with HTTP responses. If the client requests the server to perform some operation, then with the HTTP response, the server returns the result of the operation or informs about the error. In this HTTP Request and Response example, we send an HTTP request to the ReqBin echo URL and receive an HTTP response from the ReqBin server. Click Send to execute the HTTP Request and Response example online and see the results.

Test HTTP Request
Quickly and easily test HTTP requests by making HTTP API calls directly from your browser. Inspect returned HTTP status codes, response times, and sizes. Send HTTP requests from different geographic regions.

How do I send HTTP request using Python Requests Library?
To send an HTTP request with the Python Requests Library, you need to use the request.get(url, params) or, data, params) methods. You can make HTTP GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and HEAD requests with the Python Request Library, submit forms, download files and images, and set rate limits and timeouts. The Requests library methods take the target URL as the first parameter and several additional parameters. For example, you can pass custom HTTP headers with the "headers" parameter, HTTP cookies with the "cookies" parameter, and user authorization data with the "auth" parameter. In this Python HTTP Requests example, we send a GET request to the ReqBin echo URL with a custom HTTP header. Below you can see more examples of HTTP methods with Python Requests. Click Execute to run Python HTTP Requests Example online and see the result.

Web API Testing Tool
Online Web API testing tool for backend developers and testers. Test your Web API by making API calls directly from your browser.

What is HTTP POST Request Method?
The HTTP POST method is one of the most commonly used HTTP methods. It is used to send data to the server or to create or add a resource on the server.

What is HTTP GET Request Method?
The HTTP GET method is one of the most commonly used HTTP methods. It is used to request a resource from the server, cannot have a message body, and must not modify data on the server.

What is HTTP DELETE Request Method?
The HTTP DELETE method is used to delete a resource from the server. Unlike GET and HEAD requests, the DELETE requests may change the server state.

What is HTTP HEAD Request Method?
The HTTP HEAD is similar to the HTTP GET method but only returns the response headers without body.

What is HTTP OPTIONS Method?
The HTTP OPTIONS method is used to describe communication options for the target resource. For example, browsers send an HTTP OPTIONS request to find out the HTTP methods and other options supported by the webserver.

What is HTTP PATCH Request Method?
The PATCH method is one of 9 common request methods supported by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and used to partially modify an existing resource, as opposed to HTTP PUT, which replaces the entire resource.

What are HTTP Headers?
The browser and server use HTTP headers to pass the information on data size and type, compression methods, languages, cache directives, and origin.

Top 9 HTTP Methods
An overview of all 9 common HTTP methods you should know when designing your API, with a short example of each method and a short description of each method.

What is HTTP?
The HTTP protocol is the widely agreed format of transferring data over a network, the basis of any data exchange on the web.

The HTTP TRACE method is used to debug web server connections by returning the full HTTP request to the client for proxy-debugging purposes.

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that provides secure communication between browsers and servers running on different origins (on different hostnames or protocols) using additional HTTP headers.