http-head tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [http-head] keyword
How to send HTTP HEAD request?
The HTTP HEAD request method is used to request HTTP headers from the server. The HTTP HEAD method is similar to the HTTP GET method, except that the server does not return the content of the requested resource. The HEAD method is used to get additional information about a resource, such as a resource size, availability, and last modification date, before downloading it. The HTTP HEAD requests, like an HTTP GET, cannot contain data in the message's body; the request data must be passed to the server in the URL. In this HTTP HEAD request example, we are sending a HEAD request to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Send to run the HEAD request online and see the results.

How do I send a HEAD request using Curl?
To make an HTTP HEAD request with Curl, you need to use the -I or --head command-line parameter. The -I command-line parameter tells Curl to send an HTTP HEAD request to receive only HTTP headers. The HEAD request is very similar to a GET request, except that the server only returns HTTP headers without a response body. In this Curl HEAD request example, we send a HEAD request to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Run to execute the Curl HTTP HEAD Request Example online and see the results.

What is HTTP HEAD Request Method?
The HTTP HEAD is similar to the HTTP GET method but only returns the response headers without body.

Top 9 HTTP Methods
An overview of all 9 common HTTP methods you should know when designing your API, with a short example of each method and a short description of each method.